Paf! is a simple arcade game where you have to launch a friendly dog up into the air, trying to make it fly as far as possible.
Before you launch the dog into the air by dragging your finger across the screen, you have the option of buying different gadgets to make it fly longer. You will find a cape, a handful of rockets, and shock-absorbers, which are just a few of the things that you can use to make Paf go even further.
Once it's flying through the air, you can't control the dog any more, so the distance that Paf flies is just a matter of luck and what it encounters when it hits the ground.
Paf! is a fun game, though it's very simple. While it doesn't have complicated or elaborate mechanics, it does have simple, colorful gameplay that kids will particularly love.
Hello, the game closes immediately; the message 'paf the dog stops' appears systematically. Android 9